Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Camping Trip

*guest post by mom*

We were invited to camp in the Poconos with some friends. The week had all the things that make camping memorable:

1. Good friends

2. Local wildlife

3. Dueling canoes

4. Riveting games (mainly backgammon)

5. A great campfire

Monday, July 13, 2009

Anatomy of a Cannonball

1. A good take off

2. Awareness and proper orientation to the water

3. A full body tuck

4. High-impact landing


6. Triumphant smile

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Historical Visits

We went to visit our mom at work. She works on a farm. You have to cross the creek to get there. You can take a bridge but we didn't.

This is my mom in the barn with Blaze the horse. Blaze is really old but he likes to be brushed.

My mom likes talking to visitors about all the stuff on the farm. Sometimes I show visitors around the farm too.

Another day we went to Batsto Village with my Grandma and Grandpa

My grandma liked finding out things about the village.

There were things in the museum that my mom uses at work.
I wanted to stay but it was time to go.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Science Center

I went to the Franklin Institute with my grandma and grandpa and my parents and my sister. I took this picture of my grandpa in a race car. He wants to be a race car driver.

This is my sister on a surf board. She is trying to balance on it and I took this picture with my grandma's camera.

This is my dad making a silly pirate face. My dad likes pirates.

This is me! My grandma took this picture of me. She put her hair curlers in my hair. My hair didn't turn out so curly but I kept it like that because I liked it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Spring Concert

This is from our spring concert at our school.

We sang alot of songs - all the ones we know and some others that we are still learning. That's my friend Lauren with the blond hair and black headband.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Spring Soccer

This season I had to play goal because our regular goalie broke her arm.

It was ok but I need new glasses. It was hard for me to see without my glasses and I don't have rec specs.
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

Today, at my school, is Crazy Hair and Hat Day.

My mom said it could be called Future Punk Bands
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Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Lighthouse

*guest post by mom*

I found one of the best vacation ideas ever while surfing the 'net in the middle of the night waiting for infant Hanna to fall asleep again.

The Rose Island Lighthouse in Narragansett Bay, R.I. has a Guest Keeper program where you are allowed to live in the lighthouse, do some chores and pretend to be a lighthouse keeper. They accept families, provided the children are 5 years or older.

I've waited 5 years to take this vacation -- And it was awesome!

We were picked up in Newport RI and drop off on Rose Island by the foundation's director who gave us a tour of the house, rainwater conservation system and wind turbine. There were daily chores connected to rain collection and testing as well as electrical storage and use. When we tallied the daily reports, we could see exactly how much water and electricity we used each day.

Because we went in March, the island wasn't really open to visitors and so we had the entire 19 acre island to ourselves (well, and birds too!) We explored, looked for shells and sea glass, played games and had an amazing time.

We had a few chores, like hauling and stacking wood that was delivered to the boat dock.

Heather and Hanna at the top of the lighthouse

The weather was mostly sunny and bright but it was still cold and extremely windy!

A number of board games and puzzles were played during the week!

With the exception of one night that was *really* windy and stormy, it could not have been a more perfect week.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Toothless Wonder


Hanna had two wobbly teeth for the longest time. Heather accidentally bumped her mouth and one tooth came out.

A few days later, while innocently eating her lunch, the other tooth came out as well.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Living Museum


A stern Abraham Lincoln visited the local elementary school tonight.

He/She was in good company sandwiched between Rosa Parks and Sacagawea at the 1st grade living museum.

Also on display was the Wall of Heroes listing a war hero from our family.

Hi, Great Grandpa Bob!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Select Chorus


Our town, Ewing NJ, is 175 years old and the Mayor asked our school chorus to sing at the town hall. My friend Lauren is standing in front of me.

The mayor stood behind us the whole time. His granddaughter is in my class but she's not in the choir.

My mom took a video of one of the songs we sang.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

No mac'n cheese here


Come for dinner at this new restaurant!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh, What A World!


I really, really, really love Rufus Wainwright. I love his singing. He is the awesomest singer in the whole entire world. I went to his concert last night.

He sang some of my favorite songs like Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk,

California and Little Sister,

Grey Gardens and something from his opera.

I didn't know he played the guitar. I fell asleep when he played The Art Teacher.

And his little sister, Lucy sang some songs too. I liked her singing.

This is after the show. I loved when he put his arm around me and my mom took my picture with him.