Peter Pan and Tinkerbell say, "Happy Halloween!"

I wanted to be Tinkerbell because she's quiet and I'm shy. My mommy and me sewed it by measuring the cloth. It was so soft I thought it could be a blanket. But the glittery part was itchy.

My mom went to
Red White and Blue (one of the best thrift stores in our area) and got me a green shirt and a pair of pants. When I got home from school I put my costume on and my mom cut it to be like leaves. Then we made my hat. I had a wonderful Halloween.
Dorothy Parker stopped by on her way to NYC and went trick-or-treating with us for a little while.

After we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, we had lots of candy. Some friends came over and we traded candy with them. Our neighbor had a kind of haunted house in the backyard. They scared us. I lost the feather in my hat. We looked for it the next day and found it in the street.
Then we all dressed up again and went to another party. Papa was a pirate, Mama wore her farm clothes and we put our costumes on again.