Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Camping Trip

*guest post by mom*

We were invited to camp in the Poconos with some friends. The week had all the things that make camping memorable:

1. Good friends

2. Local wildlife

3. Dueling canoes

4. Riveting games (mainly backgammon)

5. A great campfire

Monday, July 13, 2009

Anatomy of a Cannonball

1. A good take off

2. Awareness and proper orientation to the water

3. A full body tuck

4. High-impact landing


6. Triumphant smile

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Historical Visits

We went to visit our mom at work. She works on a farm. You have to cross the creek to get there. You can take a bridge but we didn't.

This is my mom in the barn with Blaze the horse. Blaze is really old but he likes to be brushed.

My mom likes talking to visitors about all the stuff on the farm. Sometimes I show visitors around the farm too.

Another day we went to Batsto Village with my Grandma and Grandpa

My grandma liked finding out things about the village.

There were things in the museum that my mom uses at work.
I wanted to stay but it was time to go.